Monday, October 26, 2009

A new news world

Patty Smith of KVUE talked about how to land a first job, appeal to an audience and changes in media. Smith was once named broadcaster of the year.

Smith stated that whoever is passionate about there work will get the job. This sounded like a bit of a cop-out to me. There can be plenty of passionate people who want the job, but what specifically would make someone stand out above the rest?

She also told the audience that a station can choose which audience to appeal to. KVUE's majority of viewers are women aged 25 to 54.

Some of the changes we are seeing with TV stations are programming changes due to the financial crisis. In 1999 Smith had 157 employees. Smith currently has 124 employees working for her. She says she loves her job because it is constantly changing. News use to force viewers to a time and place, but that isn't the case any more thanks to the web/ digital recorders. TV stations are constantly trying to come up with new ideas to keep up with this ever-changing profession.

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