For most of the time there, we were the only ones in the place, but luckily the Smoothie Factory had a wall with pictures and quotes from many of the regulars.
It seems that there is a trend in wheat grass shots. After asking the clerk what most people who come in all the time order, he replied, "Hands down the wheat grass." For those who are not familiar with wheat grass, I have supplied a photo.
I did not feel content with just seeing the wheat grass and hearing the well rehearsed information dump that the clerk laid on me. No! I must experience this wheat grass first hand (Seeing as I have never had wheat grass before.) if I am to truly understand what brings all these different people together. Let's just say that if you like the taste of fresh cut grass in liquid form, you gotta try wheat grass. So, okay, the taste leaves something to be desired, but what about the health benefits? I did seem to be a little...okay, a lot more alert. I will have to say that if you can stomach the taste you get about two servings of vegetables in one shot. The clerk said he actually gave me a double and that it equated to about five pounds of green vegetables.
I think that this visit to the Smoothie Factory might make me think about doing a piece on the benefits of wheat grass. With the current rates of obesity and malnutrition, I think a lot of people would find that being able to get servings of vegetables in liquid form to be much more efficient than having to find nutritional food on the go.
A.J. Butt
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